Thursday, February 28, 2013

Winter Fun

We made it through this winter storm, and had some fun doing it! We hope that our clients, and their families stayed warm and safe!

We are beginning to prepare the spring season, if you'd like a FREE estimate for spring clean-up, lawn care, or landscaping give us a call 517-945-1204.

The local spring home shows are right around the corner too! We'll let you know where to find us! Stay tuned...

Andy and Courtney Bailey
Greener Solutions Lawn and Landscape

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Preparation for Winter Weather

As we begin to see the early effects of this latest winter storm, we want to remind you all to be careful. Take some extra time to get to work, and walk slowly on potentially slippery sidewalks and parking lots.  Greener Solutions takes pride in the properties that we attend to.  We prepare lots in advance of snow events to help prevent the build up of black ice, and our skilled team, works hard through the storms to make sure that the parking lots, and sidewalks are cleared.  We put the safety of our customers and their clients and employees first.  Need some tips on how to better prepare your home and/or vehicle for an ice or snow event, here's a few that we recommend.

First, working in cold weather can put extra stress on your body.  If you have a history of health conditions, please be safe, and follow any advice from your doctor in regard to strenuous activity. Ask for help if needed, and if you decide to do the work yourself then dress warmly, work slowly, and take frequent breaks indoors.

Add a few essential items to your vehicles emergency kit. Including, blankets, warm dry clothing, a small snow shovel, and rock salt, or sand for traction if needed.

Just like your vehicle you may want a few emergency supplies on hand at home too, like bottled water, canned foods, a battery operated radio, and an extra heat source in case of power outage, like fire wood for fireplaces, or oil or kersosene heaters. Write down an emergency plan for your home that includes reminders like turning on water faucets slightly to prevent pipes from freezing during prolonged power outages in the cold weather.

Before the storm arrives take some time to pre-treat sidewalks and walkways with de-icing products or rock salt. This will help to prevent early build up of ice in these areas making clean up later a little easier.

Be cautious when walking over areas of compacted snow this often times will have a layer of ice underneath, and can cause fall injuries.

Use the blade of your snow shovel to remove all snow and ice from walkways and treat with de-icing products or rock salt again, and repeat this often as the snow and ice begin to melt.  Puddles of melted snow and ice can re-freeze overnight creating new slippery areas that may appear to only be wet.

Be safe and remember we are available for 24 hour Emergency service. Call us anytime 517-945-1204!

Andy and Courtney Bailey
Greener Solutions Lawn and Landscape

Monday, February 25, 2013

Winter Weather Advisory February 26-27

Beginning tomorrow February 26th, around the noon hour the Jackson MI area is expected to see some strong snow storms coming in. This weather front is expected to drop 2-4 inches of snow from noon on the 26th through the evening hours, and another 2-3 inches into the next day, for a total snow fall accumulation of anywhere from 4-7inches.  Check out the attached link for more information, and stay safe! Call anytime for emergency snow clean up services 517-945-1204.

Andy and Courtney Bailey

Sunday, February 24, 2013

New Website

We are so proud to present to you our new website!,  this new website provides an over view of our business, and services. We will stay committed to keeping you updated on weather conditions and upcoming events, and new innovative ways to enhance your property residential or commercial. Thank you, and enjoy the new website!

Andy and Courtney Bailey
Greener Solutions Lawn and Landscape


Greener Solutions Lawn and Landscape is a locally owned and operated business, that values the opportunities afforded to us by the communities that we serve, we wanted to utilize this blog as way for you to get know us better.  Learn about upcoming events, and new technologies that we offer as a company in this very competitive industry. We look forward to working with you!

Andy and Courtney Bailey
Greener Solutions Lawn and Landscape